Aoshima Bunka Kyozai Co., Ltd. (also known as Kabushiki Gaisha Aoshima Bunka Kyzaisha), a Japanese model manufacturer with its headquarters in Shizuoka Prefecture Aoshima 1/24 The Tuned Car Series.
It produces finished toys Aoshima 1/24 The Tuned Car Series under the Skynet brand, diecast models under the Miracle House brand, diecast cars under the DISM brand, and female statue figures under the FunnyKnights brand in addition to plastic model kits of a variety of vehicles, including model cars, model aircraft, model ships, and model Sci-fi mecha Aoshima 1/24 The Tuned Car Series.
Jiro Aoshima, an aviation pilot, founded the “Aoshima Airplane Research Institute” in 1924. The “Shizuoka model-airplane association” was founded in 1932 after model airplanes were approved as teaching resources in Japanese schools Aoshima 1/24 The Tuned Car Series. Jiro Aoshima accepted the position of chairman.
In 1945, “Aoshima Bunka Kyozai RL” was founded. It concentrated on making wooden model airplanes Aoshima 1/24 The Tuned Car Series.
The organization “Aoshima Bunka Kyozai Inc.” was founded in 1961. The CEO position was accepted by Ichiro Aoshima. In the same year, it released “Speed Boat Bluebird,” the first plastic model kit Aoshima 1/24 The Tuned Car Series. Then it seriously began to develop plastic model kits.
Aoshima produced original design sci-fi mecha models, 1/24 and 1/25 scale vehicle models, and 1/60 and 1/72 scale aviation models in the 1960s. It released “Apollo series” spacecraft models in 1969, including the 1/96 scale Apollo spacecraft and the 1/48 scale “Eagle 5” Apollo Lunar Module Aoshima 1/24 The Tuned Car Series.
These fashions were a huge success. It began releasing 1/700 scale “Water Line series” warship models in 1971, with Tamiya, Hasegawa, and Fujimi, three other Shizuoka-based model companies.
Aoshima was successful in developing the first kids’ items in the 1970s, including the “Gattai Robo” (coalescent robot) series. In this series, four separate vehicles might combine to form a single robot. As a response to Bandai’s immensely popular Gundam models, it began to release “Anime size” realistic robot models like Ideon in 1980.
In 1986, Aoshima was reinstituted as “Aoshima Bunka Kyozai Co., Ltd.”. In 1997, it introduced the finished toy brand “Skynet,” and in 1999, it introduced the diecast figure brand “Miracle House.”
When the Japanese model maker Imai Kagaku filed for bankruptcy in 2002, Aoshima purchased the molds for sailing ships and sci-fi automobiles like Thunderbirds machines.
In 2005, Aoshima formed “Aoshima Hong Kong, Ltd.” and introduced a new brand called “DISM” (diecast automobile brand). In 2007, the female statue figure brand “FunnyKnights” was introduced. Itasha (animation wrapping car) model kits were first made available by Aoshima in 2008, and they quickly became very well-liked.
Hayabusa (Space Craft Plastic Model Kit Series) became quite popular in 2010.
In the 1960s, fifteen single-engine aircraft from World War II and two twin-engine aircraft were made available. They included small aircraft like the P-63 Kingcobra, Reppu (Sam), Shiun (Norm), Seiran, and Zuiun (Paul). Some of these models were still on the market in the middle of the 2000s after being rereleased multiple times.
New 1/72 scale airplane models were introduced in 1996. Kawanishi N1K1-Ja/Jb “Shiden,” N1K2-J/Jb “Shiden kai,” and Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-0/H-1 make up this line. These models were reissued in the “CG Squadron” and “Ace of Legend” series. Kawasaki Ki-100, a new model in this series, was debuted in 2013.
Ten or so models with ties to the Apollo program were published in 1969 and 1970. The most recent reissue of the 1/48 scale Apollo Lunar Module, 1/96 scale Apollo ship with Lunar Module, and small model Saturn V with launching pad occurred in 2009, the 40th anniversary of the first lunar landing, despite the fact that many of them had been withdrawn.
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